Racial Preservation: Issues and Answers

Correspondence, commentary and discussion by Richard McCulloch on the issues, questions, problems and challenges frequently encountered by proponents of racial preservation and independence


1. An American-Swedish Dialogue on Racial Issues -- E-Mail of Richard McCulloch with a Swedish correspondent discussing the racial situation in Sweden and common issues confronting Nordish racial preservationists in Europe and America

2. An American-Dutch Dialogue on Racial Issues -- E-Mail of Richard McCulloch with a Dutch correspondent discussing the racial situation in the Netherlands and common issues confronting Nordish racial preservationists in Europe and America

3. E-Mail from Opponents of Nordish Racial Preservation -- Selections of correspondence from opponents of Nordish racial preservation with replies and commentary by Richard McCulloch

4. The Reality of Race -- Discussion and commentary regarding the claims by racial deconstructionists that the races of humanity are not real (revised July, 2007)

5. The Issue of Racial Intermixture and "Impurity" -- Correspondence and commentary on claims that the Nordish peoples are racially mixed and "impure"

6. The Ethnic Gap -- Discussion of the Euro gap, the racial gap between northern and southern Europeans, describing it, considering its implications for Nordish preservationist policy, and replying to some of the criticisms prompted by this distinction


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