The Path of Destruction
Richard McCulloch


Every living creature, every species or race, has certain conditions that are required for its continued existence. Its environment or habitat must fulfill these conditions or it will not be able to live. It may die quickly, like a fish out of water or a mammal without air to breathe. It may die slowly, from lack of food or drink. It may die very slowly, over a period of generations, not as individuals but as a race, due to environmental conditions that make it difficult, or impossible, for it to successfully reproduce. Every life form differs in its particular environmental requirements for existence. Some are more specialized and fragile, others are more generalized and adaptable. But whatever its environmental range there are certain conditions it requires to live, without which it will die and become extinct.

The Nordish (Northern European) race, like every other form of life, has certain environmental conditions that it requires for racial health and well-being, for successful reproduction, for survival and continued existence. If the conditions conducive to Nordish life are absent or removed from the habitat, and replaced by conditions that are destructive of Nordish life, it will not be able to live within that habitat. If it remains there it will die. The process may be rapid or slow, sudden extinction or gradual diminishment, but it will eventually cease to exist.

There are many things that can cause the extinction of the Nordish race, from the simple to the complex, from the lack of air, food or water to devastation by war or disease, but such a cause would have to be of catastrophic dimensions previously unparalleled in magnitude. The most likely cause of Nordish racial death, the process presently underway, is not so sudden or obvious, but its ultimate effect, Nordish extinction, is no less cataclysmic.

The primary threat to continued Nordish life is related to the process and conditions of evolution that created the Nordish race and made its existence possible. Those conditions included separation or isolation from the other diverging branches of the human species, preventing intermixture and permitting divergent evolution. Racial separation or isolation was required for the divergent evolution and creation of the Nordish race and is required no less for its continued existence. Without it, what was done, or created, by divergent evolution can be undone, or decreated, by intermixture or devolution. Racial diversity, made possible by conditions of reproductive isolation, can only be maintained or preserved by reproductive isolation. Reproductive isolation requires geographical separation. The race must have its own exclusive territory or homeland free from the presence of other races and the danger of intermixture.

The primary danger to continued Nordish life is not nuclear war or pollution, but the intermixture of the Nordish race with other races into one hybridized race in which its distinct and unique racial traits and characteristics would be submerged and negated, and its existence lost. Intermixture would make the Nordish race extinct. For Northern Europeans, racial intermixture is racial extinction.

Only like can create like. Only a Northern European can create a Northern European. Only Nordish parents can create a Nordish child. The intermixture of a Northern European with a non-Northern European (unless the non-Northern European is of a closely related race with little genetic or racial distance separating it from the Northern European) will not produce a Nordish child. Exceptions to this rule can only occur when the non-Nordish parent is already of partially Nordish ancestry, and the Nordish part of the mixture is sufficient to predominate in combination with a fully Nordish partner. The greater the genetic distance of the non-Nordish element from the Nordish, the greater part of the mixture the Nordish element must be to predominate.

Until relatively recently the Nordish race enjoyed the conditions of racial separation and isolation required for its divergent evolution and continued existence or preservation. As Table I shows, as late as 1880 the United States was, with one major exception, a Nordish country, a territorial possession of the Nordish race, and was so regarded by the other nations of the world.

The major exception was the Congoids, recently freed from slavery, who constituted 12% of the population. This legacy of the racially short-sighted and unwise admission of the unfortunate victims of the African slave trade into the forming Nordish homeland was, and still remains, a great source of strife and danger. Early American leaders, such as Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln, tried to solve the problem by proposing total racial separation, either by returning the Congoid population to Africa or by giving them a fully independent and separate country of their own carved out of the territory of the United States. After the terrible carnage and suffering of the Nordish-American Civil War (1861-1865), caused primarily by the Congoid presence, they were given citizenship and their permanent position in the country was no longer questioned, but promoted, by the leadership establishment.

When France presented the United States with the Statue of Liberty in 1886 it was in recognition of the achievements of the 110 year-old nation, of the existing population and their ancestors. That year was also a witness to the early wavelets of the great flood of Armenid and Mediterranid immigration that was to bring millions of non-Northern Europeans to America over the next several decades. It was the beginning of a process of racial transformation that was to decisively change both the racial composition and nature of the country and the symbolic meaning of the Statue of Liberty, from a salute to the pre-1886 Nordish creators of the country to a beacon of welcome for the post-1886 non-Nordish immigrants, and a denial of the right of the Nordish inhabitants of the country to the conditions of racial separation and independence they require for continued existence.

The pro-Nordish immigration reforms of the 1920s slowed this process of racial change, but the anti-Nordish ("pro" or "anti" Nordish as measured by the standard of vital Nordish interests, e.g., the conditions required for Nordish life) immigration reforms of the 1960s accelerated the process once again to a tempo so fast as to be literally beyond government control and determined by the immigrants themselves. Table I displays the effects of this fast-paced process, which is both taking the United States away from the Nordish race and depriving the Nordish race in America of the conditions it needs to live.

As the table also shows, the process of racial transformation has been assisted by the wide difference in birthrates between the Nordish and most of the non-Nordish elements. At the height of the "baby boom" in 1957 the Nordish birthrate was almost at the national average, but then went into a decline that brought it below both the national average and the replacement level of 2.1 births per woman. Since the mid-1970s the Nordish birthrate has been only about 1.8 per woman. Assuming that 10% of these births are non-Nordish offspring of racially mixed couples, the true Nordish birthrate is only about 1.6 per woman, almost 25% below the replacement level.

Worldwide, in the period since 1957, most of the other Nordish countries (the primary exceptions being the former communist countries of eastern Europe) have begun to follow the same course of admitting non-Nordish immigrants, and experiencing the same process of racial transformation, as the United States. The process is especially advanced in Great Britain and the Netherlands. Their racially unwise colonial involvement in non-Nordish countries has been followed by their racially unwise admission of non-Northern Europeans into their home populations. In both countries the non-Nordish element now amounts to almost 12% of the population. The ancient Nordish homelands, especially those of the central Nordish types, are all endangered by this process, which is everywhere promoted by the values and philosophy of racial nihilism.

The racial future of North America is of much greater importance to the interests of the Nordish race than to the interests of the non-Nordish races. It contains over 30% of the world Nordish population and over 40% of the central Nordish types. By contrast, it contains only 6% of the world Congoid population (less than Latin America), less than 3% of the non-Nordish Caucasoids and less than .3% of the Asian Mongoloids. North America is a central or core racial homeland for the Nordish race, containing a major and vital part of the racial body. For the other races North America, and their racial presence there, is peripheral and only a minor and non-vital part of their total racial being. [Note 1] The Nordish race has much more at stake, and much more to lose, in North America than any other. For it alone, North America is not expendable, as its racial loss might well prove racially fatal. For it alone, the struggle for the future of North America is a decisive one.

The unfolding process of Nordish racial death and extinction is the direct and unavoidable result of the Nordish race being deprived of the conditions of racial separation and reproductive isolation it requires for continued existence. This loss of the conditions essential for Nordish racial life is deliberate and intentional, and is strongly promoted by the dominant agents (ideas, values and practices, and the persons or institutions who promote, espouse or enforce them) of racial nihilism. Racial nihilism seeks to dissolve all the human races into one race, the world into one world, the different peoples into one people, and condemns as immoral any desire or attempt by the Nordish race to maintain or restore the conditions of racial separation and independence it needs to live. By denying the Nordish race the conditions required for its existence, racial nihilism is, in both effect and intent, the agent of Nordish nonexistence.

Racial intermixture is the ultimate means of achieving Nordish nonexistence. It negates or destroys Nordish traits by genetic submergence. The proportion of non-Northern Europeans in the U.S. population is already several times larger than necessary to genetically negate the Nordish race through intermixture. Non-Nordish immigration and high birthrates add extra nails for the coffin, and provide the reassurance of racial overkill. The ultimate result of this process is the nonexistence, destruction or death of the Nordish race, yet none dare call it genocide. It kills or murders no living person, but it does kill a race, and in killing a race it does preemptively "kill" the unborn generations of the race. Future generations of Northern Europeans cannot live if the Nordish race does not live.

Racial separation is the only sure obstacle or barrier to intermixture. Without it, racial discrimination, or preference for one's own race, in the selection of a mate is the sole remaining agent for racial preservation, but it is psychologically demanding, difficult and stressful, and only partially effective. If there were no racial separation, and no racial discrimination in the selection of a mate, and the rule of racial nihilism was complete, the Nordish race in America would probably pass the point of racial no-return, losing the ability to save itself, within one generation, and would be essentially extinct within four.

The actual timetable of Nordish racial death, including all its endangered populations, depends on certain interrelated variables, chiefly the rate of non-Nordish population increase within the Nordish homelands (determined by birthrates and immigration rates) and the rate of intermixture (determined by the relative strength of the agents of racial destruction versus the agents of racial preservation). But the actual sequence of major events or developments is more certain. First, the Nordish element will become a minority (likely to happen in the U.S. in the first half of the 21st century) in its homeland and lose control of the country. Second, the Nordish element will lose its racial independence and freedom, control of its own racial destiny and the ability to save itself. This is the point of racial no-return. Third, and last, the Nordish elements will, through a combination of racial intermixture (absorption) and low rate of reproduction, diminish in both numbers and distinctiveness, quantity and quality, to the point of effective nonexistence.

Racial intermixture is a complex subject, and its effects vary depending on the genetic distance (degree of racial difference) and numerical proportions of the races involved in the mixture. Due to the highly recessive nature of many of its traits, the Nordish race is especially vulnerable to the negating effects of intermixture. The ability of the Nordish race to assimilate other races through intermixture is very limited. Some non-Nordish races are more assimilable than others. Those more closely related to the Nordish race are more assimilable than those more distantly related. Those with a lesser degree of racial difference from the Nordish race are more assimilable than those with a greater degree. Those whose genes are more compatible with Nordish genes are more assimilable than those whose genes are more conflicting. Those who are more assimilable can be successfully assimilated by a smaller proportionate ratio of Northern Europeans than those who are less assimilable. But assimilation has its unavoidable costs. Even a very dilute degree of intermixture has its effects, and these tend to be felt the most strongly where it hurts the race the most, in the most racially distinct elements, the core or heart of the race.

As a rule, the Ladogan, Alpine and Dinaric races can be regarded as the most assimilable by the Nordish race. Most of the peripheral Nordish types are in fact already a stabilized blend resulting from the mixture of central Nordish types with these races in a ratio of two to one in the Nordish favor. A five to one ratio mixture of central Northern Europeans with these races would be the equivalent of a one to one ratio mixture of peripheral with central Nordish types, with a resulting type about midway between the two. A six to one ratio mixture between central Northern Europeans and these races would be required for the result to favor the central Nordish type. In the United States, the present ratio of central Northern Europeans to these races is about 4.6 to one. This means that the Nordish capacity or capability for assimilation would be totally used, exhausted and even exceeded by the assimilation of these races alone, with no additional capability to spare for the assimilation of other, less assimilable, non-Nordish races.

The other Caucasoid races require a greater ratio of Northern Europeans to non-Northern Europeans for successful assimilation by the Nordish race, and the different non-Caucasoid subspecies require a much greater ratio. Their traits are often so discordant and incompatible with Nordish traits, and so dominant, that they, and their effects, persist even in very dilute mixture with Northern Europeans, significantly altering, diminishing and even negating more recessive Nordish traits, especially the more distinct ones. There are anomalies and individual exceptions to this rule. There are individuals who are mixtures of Nordish with a different subspecies in only a three to one ratio who are essentially Nordish. But while this demonstrates that racially mixed individuals should be racially classified on an individual basis, it is also true that when calculating the effects of intermixture on an entire population it is the rule, not the exceptions, the norm, not the deviations, that should be given primary consideration. By this rule, the non-Nordish races other than the Ladogan, Alpine and Dinaric should be classified as unassimilable.

At present, the greatest losses being suffered by the Nordish race are the result of simple nonreproduction. The low Nordish birthrate has already had, and continues to have, population effects more devastating and tragic than any war or plague within the Nordish experience. More than one out of four of the members of the Nordish race, including many of the most valuable and distinct, are lost from this cause. Intermixture with unassimilable non-Northern Europeans is only the second greatest cause of Nordish racial losses, claiming 10-20% of Northern Europeans at this time, mostly through intermixture with Mediterranids and Armenids.

As indicated by Table I, high non-Nordish immigration and birthrates are also major causes of the ongoing process of racial change, in which the Nordish race is being replaced by other races in its homelands. In this regard, what this table indicates for the United States is also true for many other Nordish homelands, from Canada and Australia to Great Britain and the Netherlands.

One of the common effects of this process of racial change can be referred to as racial displacement. This occurs whenever a member of another race takes the place or position of a person in our lives with whom we interact or form a relationship. These positions vary in importance. They can be major or minor, primary or secondary, central or peripheral, close or distant, but they all, in greater or lesser degree, have an effect, impact or influence on our lives. These positions can be a matter of free and discretionary choice, as in a husband or wife, or in the children, and relatives-in-law, that are the result of our choice in a mate. But mostly they are a matter of opportunity, over which we have little control if we are to interact or function in the larger society outside our home. Often they are in our own family, positions occupied by those chosen by a relative. The positions over which we have little or no control can be that of a step father or mother, a step brother or sister, a half brother or sister, the husband or wife of a sister or brother, nieces or nephews, a neighbor or co-worker, a teacher or student, an employer or employee, a barber or bank teller, the girl behind the drugstore counter or the children playing in the neighborhood.

Whenever one of these positions in our lives is filled by a member of another race they are taking the place of someone of our own race who would have filled that position in a homogeneous, monoracial society. A relationship or interaction that would have been with a member of our own race occurs instead with a member of another race. The more places in our lives taken by members of other races the fewer that remain for members of our own race, the more we are deprived of contact with members of our own race, and the more difficult and uncommon it becomes for us to form relationships with members of our own race. The places in our lives are filled more and more by members of other races, replacing members of our own race. We constantly see them and become used to seeing them. They become familiar and we often develop feelings of loyalty and friendship with them. But we fail to see the members of our own race who would have occupied those positions in our lives, and with whom we should have shared those feelings, if they had not been displaced by the members of other races.

Even the selection of a mate, which should be a matter of choice, is limited by opportunity and availability, factors largely beyond our control. As more and more of the prospective mate positions in our lives are taken by members of other races, displacing members of our own race, fewer positions are available for members of our own race, and our opportunities for finding a mate of our own race lessen. This greatly increases the likelihood that a mate of another race will be chosen. In this manner racial displacement, and racial social intermixture, promotes racial biological intermixture.

Racial nihilism is not an equal threat to all races. Some are more threatened than others. At present, and for the foreseeable future, multiracialism and the trend toward racial intermixture is endangering the independence and existence of the Nordish race more than any other. The homelands of the Mongoloid race in Asia, the Congoid race in Africa, the Dravidic race in India and other non-European races are not threatened by any movement toward multiracialism. Their races are in no peril of extinction through intermixture, immigration or displacement. There is no movement of alien races into their homelands. Non-Mongoloid races are not migrating into the Mongoloid homelands. Non-Congoid races are not migrating into the Congoid homeland. The Amerindian race in Latin America is in no demographic danger, but is thriving and increasing. In fact, the non-Nordish racial elements most affected by multiracialism are those now in the Nordish homelands, the very ones who are causing the destruction of the Nordish peoples by depriving them of the conditions of independence and separation they need to exist, while their own racial homelands, with the great majority of their racial populations, remain racially unthreatened, safe, secure, inviolate and homogeneous.

For the Nordish race intermixture is like the story of the ten little Indians, of whom there were fewer and fewer "and then there were none." If racial nihilism has its way the Nordish peoples will fall before it like dominoes, and will not only be "the vanishing Americans," but the vanishing Canadians, Britons, Scandinavians, Dutch, Germans and Australians as well. With their disappearance a great part of humanity's diversity will be missing, irretrievably lost.

Racial nihilism, in denying the Nordish race the conditions it requires for existence and promoting the causes of its non-existence, is essentially denying its value and importance. Racial nihilism is saying that the continued existence of the Nordish race is not important, that it is not an important or vital part of life, creation and the universe, that it is expendable, that its loss or destruction is therefore not a legitimate subject for concern, and the prevention of its loss or destruction, its preservation, is not a legitimate or moral cause or goal. To racial nihilism, Nordish salvation, or continued existence, is not only not important, it is not desirable, as it would interfere with, and prevent, the achievement of its goal. To racial nihilism it is the nonexistence or extinction of the Nordish race that is important, not its continued existence or life.

The change now occurring is much more than political or economic change, much more even than religious, social or cultural change. It is racial change. Racial change is the most drastic form of change. It is permanent and irreversible change. It is more than a change in outward forms, it is a change in inner substance. It is biological change, genetic change, evolutionary change, a change of life forms, a change in creation, in life and in nature. One race, one life form, one evolutionary, biological, genetic line or continuum is being replaced by others. The drastic and irreversible change now being wrought by racial nihilism requires that its values and goals be carefully considered, questioned and examined, and, if the Nordish race is to be saved, challenged. Only one system of ideas and values, only one code of ethics and morality -- racial preservationism -- can challenge racial nihilism. Only it would dare to. Only it would have the will or reason to. Racial preservationism is the "to be" to racial nihilism's "not to be." Only it can save the Nordish race.

1. This is true even of the Amerindian race. At the time of the discovery of America by Columbus in 1492 only about 5% of the total Amerindian population lived north of the Rio Grande in what is referred to here as North America. The other 95% of the Amerindian race lived south of the Rio Grande, in what is now Latin America, or on the Caribbean Islands. Mexico alone had six times as many Amerindians as all of North America. The Amerindian race, including Mestizos, now numbers about 200 million. Only about 1.4% of these are native North American Indians, the rest being Latino Indians or Mestizos. The large influx of Mexican and other Latino immigrants into North America since 1965 has placed a large portion of the Amerindian population (about 20%) north of the Rio Grande for the first time, but this Latino-Hispanic movement should be regarded as an expansion from their existing central homelands into neighboring, previously peripheral territory, rather than as a reclamation of formerly central territory by la Raza, or "the race," as they call themselves.

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